Django SagePayPI

Payment using tokens

The Sage Pay Token functionality allows you to save the card details of your customer in the form of a token (a reusable card identifier) and use it for future purchases.

Creating a card identifier

Before you can submit a payment to Sage Pay you need to create a reusable card identifier. This consists of capturing details of the payee such as name, card details and address of the card holder.

To help you capture this we have created a form sagepaypi.forms.CardIdentifierForm. This will capture and validate everything you need to process a new payment.

As of writing the the below details is a test card number which can be found in Sage Pay’s documentation.

>>> from sagepaypi.forms import CardIdentifierForm

>>> data = {\
       'first_name': 'Sam',\
       'last_name': 'Jones',\
       'billing_address_1': '88',\
       'billing_city': 'City',\
       'billing_country': 'GB',\
       'billing_postal_code': '412',\
       'card_holder_name': 'SAM JONES',\
       'card_number': '4929000005559',\
       'card_expiry_date_0': '12',\
       'card_expiry_date_1': '2025',\
       'card_security_code': '123'\
>>> form = CardIdentifierForm(data)

>>> form.is_valid()

>>> card_identifier =

>>> card_identifier
<CardIdentifier: 22bd220a-cbf7-4510-b4c3-4a97d1e37235>

Log into django admin and you will see all the details of the card identifier.


When creating a card identifier you have 400 seconds in which you can use it to make a new payment. If you have not created a payment using that card identifier you will be required to request another one as Sage Pay will remove it.

Creating your payment

Now that you have created a card identifier you can create your payment.

>>> from sagepaypi.models import Transaction

>>> transaction = Transaction(\
        description='Payment of goods'\

>>> transaction.full_clean()


>>> transaction.submit_transaction()

>>> print(transaction.status)

Log into django admin and you will see all the details of the transaction.